.. _jgit: .. module:: JGit4MATLAB JGit ==== .. class:: JGit The JGit class is a thin wrapper around the `JGit Git API `_. Properties ---------- All of :class:`JGit` properties are constant. .. attribute:: JGit.VALID State of :mod:`JGit4MATLAB`. True if state is valid. Calls :meth:`~JGit.validateJavaClassPath`. .. attribute:: JGit.EDITOR Editor used for commit messages. Calls :meth:`~JGit.getEDITOR`. .. attribute:: JGit.GIT_DIR Git repository folder, set to ``.git``. .. attribute:: JGit.JGIT JGit package name, set to ``org.eclipse.jgit``. .. attribute:: JGit.PROGRESSMONITOR Java jar package with :mod:`MATLABProgressMonitor`, replaces ``\r`` with ``\b`` in progress reports. .. attribute:: JGit.USERINFOSSHSESSIONFACTORY Java jar package with :mod:`UserInfoSshSessionFactory`, a custom SshSessionFactory, configures a CredentialProvider to provide SSH passphrase for Jsch, registers itself as the default SshSessionFactory instance. .. attribute:: JGit.VERFILE File storing JGit package version. .. attribute:: JGit.VERSION JGit version string. .. attribute:: JGit.USERHOME User home, set to `org.eclipse.jgit.util.FS.DETECTED.userHome `_ .. attribute:: JGit.GITCONFIG Global git config file found in :attr:`USERHOME`, set to ``.gitconfig``. .. attribute:: JGit.JSCH_USERINFO Global Jsch userinfo file with SSH passphrase, set to ``.jsch-userinfo`` Methods ------- All of :class:`~JGit` methods are static. .. method:: JGit.validateJavaClassPath Validate MATLAB static Java class path. Returns true if the JGit package jar-file is in the @JGit folder and on the MATLAB static Java class path. Downloads current version of JGit and/or adds it to the MATLAB static Java class path if false.