
JGit4MATLAB is a BSD open source project for MATLAB hosted on Github.

JGit4MATLAB is composed of a single class, JGit, and a collection of private functions called from jgit().

The JGit class is a thin wrapper around the JGit Git API. It’s sole purpose is to port the JGit Git API Java classes and methods to MATLAB and to provide whatever additional support needed for this task.

The jgit() function is meant to be used in the MATLAB command window. It parses a subset of Git commands for the interface expected by the JGit class. Ideally, no new functionality should be introduced in the jgit() function; new functionality should be added to the JGit class.

Developing new JGit methods

There are many JGit and Git features that have not been ported to JGit4MATLAB. JGit is rapidly changing project, so there are always new features to add or modify.

Most of the JGit4MATLAB methods are derived from the JGit Porcelain Git API Commands classes, which correspond to Git commands such as add, branch, checkout, &c. Each command (or JGit class) is a method in the JGit class. The methods are in separate files so the interface must be added to the main JGit file. The JGit class and all of its methods are located in a class folder called @JGit.

Each JGit class method corresponding to a JGit class or git command takes varargin and uses the builtin MATLAB inputparser class.

Any Java constants and enumerations are derived up top. If necessary JavaMethod or JavaObject is used to reveal nested classes to MATLAB.

Whenever possible JGit defaults are used and JGit exceptions are not caught. As much as possible, the JGit class is meant to be a very thin wrapper.

Parsing new Git commands

As new features are added to the JGit class, new parsing functions should be added to the private JGit4MATLAB folder and to the jgit() function.

The parse functions are added to jgit() in a switch-case block, that switches cases based on the command initially parsed from the command window. Aliases may be added as extra cases, but make sure to set the cmd to the fullname of the command or JGit won’t recognize it. Then call the parsing function.

Parsing functions live in a private folder so that they will always be on the same path as jgit() and JGit. Each function is called parseXx.m in camelCase where Xx is the command. EG: checkout is parseCheckout.m.

The parsing functions are passed all of the arguments and options, collectively called argopts, and return parsed_argopts, which is a cell array suitable for the corresponding method in JGit.

Each parsing function has a dictionary of Git command line options. For example, the dictionary for parseCheckout.m is as follows:

%% options
dictionary = { ...
    'force',{'-f','--force'},true; ...
    'newBranch',{'-b'},true; ...
    'forceNew',{'-B'},true; ...
    'ours',{'--ours'},true; ...
    'theirs',{'--theirs'},true; ...
    'set_upstream',{'--set-upstream'},true; ...
    'track',{'-t','--track'},true; ...

The size of the dictionary is N x 3 for N options. The first column is a unique name the option will be called only within the parsing function, the 2nd column is a cell string of Git command options, and the 3rd column is a logical to indicate if the option is logical, IE: true or false. The dictionary and argopts are first filtered through parseOpts() to determine if any of the options in the dictionary are in argopts. Identified options are returned as options and popped from argopts. Next filterOpts() is used to scan for a double-hyphen, which is often used in Git to separate paths from references. If filterOpts() second output argument is paths then any argopts right of the double-hyphen, if present, are returned as paths and popped from argopts. Otherwise argopts contains all of arguments minus the double-hyphen if present. A warning is given by filterOpts() if any options (preceded by single or double dash) are still present in argopts after passing through parseOpts(). These are options that were not in the dictionary.

Two helper functions in jgit() take care of equalsigns and integers in options. splitEqualSigns() removes equalsigns which are sometimes used in long options (preceded by double dash) to pass an option-argument, EG: --name=<name>, but which Git doesn’t care about. splitShortOptions() takes care of clustered short options (preceded by single dash) and integer option arguments, EG: git commit -am 'my message' and git tag -ln100. If these helper functions are working you shouldn’t have to use them, but it’s important to know that equalsigns are removed, separating the option from its argument, clustered short options are separated, and integer arguments are separated from their short options. If an interger argument is given as an option, IE: git log -10 then option is omitted, there isn’t an option anyway, and only the integer is returned in argopts. Since the rest of argopts are strings, it should be easy to find.

Every parsed command has an entry in jgit_help() which is prints thes subset of git commands available, the command syntax and any other basic relevant info. These are displayed whenever jgit help <command> is used and should be relatively short.


There should be unittests for as many changes as possible, using the MATLAB Unittest framework.


These documents were created using Sphinx with the MATLAB Sphinx domain.

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